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i-5O Research Papers

A Dataset for Human Safety and Personal Protective Equipment Detection in Manufacturing Industry

Workplace accidents continue to pose significant risks for human safety, particularly in industries such as construction and...

A Review of Time-Series Forecasting Algorithms for Industrial Manufacturing Systems

Time-series forecasting is crucial in the efficient operation and decision-making processes of various industrial systems…

Capacity Constraint Analysis Using Object Detection for Smart Manufacturing

The increasing popularity of Deep Learning (DL) based Object Detection (OD) methods and their real-world applications have opened new venues in smart manufacturing. Traditional industries…

Case Studies

Pride Mobility

Pride Mobility is one of the leading manufacturers for power wheelchairs and other mobility products. i-5O Computer Vision System is used in their manufacturing facility at Duryea, Pennsylvania, where power chairs that are customized by their customers are manufactured. The data generated by i-5O has helped…


Why computer vision has applications beyond defect detection in manufacturing

Defect detection is one of the most common use cases of computer vision in manufacturing. Modern Visual AI technologies rely on powerful cloud-based servers that allow them to rapidly ingest visual information for...

Stalled by High Interest Rates: A Look at the Struggles of the Manufacturing Industry

After two years of high interest rates and a challenging macroeconomic climate, the manufacturing industry has started to feel the pain of decreased demand for products such as cars and homes due to the high cost of...

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Embracing the Future

The US manufacturing sector is showing promising signs of growth in 2024, and a recent survey done by Manufacturing Dive and Sikich of 150 manufacturing executives reveals a forward-thinking industry embracing digital transformation...

Frequently Asked Questions

IFIVEO possesses an exceptional capacity to capture diverse video data across all aspects of the manufacturing floor: human presence, materials in use, and machinery operation. Adapted to each client's specific requisites and manufacturing hurdles, we meticulously monitor the essential components. Through the utilization of AI-driven video streams, we not only measure workstation activities with precision but also generate comprehensive assembly datasets. These datasets subsequently fuel real-time analytics, furnishing invaluable insights into the dynamics of manual assembly lines.

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